struct DPPM::Prefix

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Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, group : String = @@default_group, source_name : String = @@default_source_name, source_path : String? = nil) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.default #

Default prefix for a DPPM installation.

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def self.default_dppm_config #

Default DPPM configuration.

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def self.default_group : String #

Default group namespace where installing applications.

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def self.default_source_name : String #

Default source name to get packages.

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Instance Method Detail

def app : Path #

Application path, including the #group namespace.

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def check #

Raises if DPPM isn't installated.

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def clean_unused_packages(confirmation : Bool = true, &) : Set(String) #

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def create #

Create #path and all its subdirectories needed.

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def delete #

Delete the prefix directory path.

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def delete_src #

Delete the packages source @src directory.

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def dppm : App #

Returns the DPPM application.

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def dppm_config : Config? #

DPPM configuration.

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def dppm_config=(dppm_config : Config) #

DPPM configuration.

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def each_app(&block : App -> ) #

Yields each application in the group.

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def each_pkg(&block : Pkg -> ) #

Yields each built package of the source.

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def each_src(&block : Src -> ) #

Yields each source package of the source.

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def group : String #

Application group namespace used.

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def new_app(name : String) : App #

Creates a new App application object.

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def new_pkg(package : String, version : String? = nil, tag : String? = nil) : Pkg #

Creates a new Pkg package object. A package name includes the package and optionally a version/tag separated by either a _ or :. If no version is provided, latest one will be used.

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def new_src(name : String) : Src #

Creates a new Src source package object.

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def path : Path #

Path of the prefix on the filesystem.

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def pkg : Path #

Package path, including the #source_name.

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def root_app : Path #

Base path for applications.

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def root_pkg : Path #

Base path for packages.

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def root_src : Path #

Base path for packages sources.

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def source_name : String #

Source name to use when building packages and creating applications.

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def source_path #

Source path used, which can be an URL or a filesystem path.

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def src : Path #

Package path, including the #source_name.

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def update(force : Bool = false) #

Download, or update a packages source cache.

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