module DppmRestApi::CLI

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance methods inherited from module DppmRestApi::Config::Helpers

selected_users(match_name, match_groups, api_key, from users_list) : Array(DppmRestApi::Config::User)
selected_users(match_name, match_groups, api_key, from users_list, &block : DppmRestApi::Config::User -> DppmRestApi::Config::User?)
, split_numbers(number_list : String) : Set(Int32)
split_numbers(number_list, &)

Instance Method Detail

def add_group(id, name, permissions, data_dir) #

Adds a group with the given values

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def add_route(id, access, path, data_dir) #

Allow the group with the given id to access the given request path at the given access level.

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def add_user(name, groups, data_dir) : String #

Add a user. The user's API key will be output to output_file, or STDOUT if not specified. If the key is output to STDOUT, the user is also given the chance to cancel the process after being shown their API key.

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def delete_group(id, data_dir) #

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def delete_users(user_id, data_dir) #

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def edit_access(id, path, access, data_dir) #

Edits the given group's access level on the given path

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def edit_group_query(id, key, add_glob, remove_glob, path, data_dir) #

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def edit_users(user_id, new_name, add_groups, remove_groups, data_dir) #

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def rekey_users(user_id, data_dir) : String #

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def run_server(config, host, port, data_dir, webui_folder) #

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def show_users(data_dir, match_name, match_groups, api_key) : Array(DppmRestApi::Config::User) #

Returns thes information about the selected users.

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Macro Detail

macro required(*args) #

All variables are received by a method as a String | Nil. This macro converts an argument, by name, to its String value, or raises an error instructing the user to include the variable value.

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macro run #

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