
About browser-tools

FAQ: What is this site?

browser-tools is a collection of web tools from number of different projects, brought online on a website

Do I need Internet and your server to run this apps?

In fact, everything happens remains in your browser - no server required.
You can still use the site if loaded when you go offline.
Furthermore you can download all the site's content and use it locally!
However browsers often block some local contents; the apps will not fully work
if this protection isn't disabled or if the site isn't served with a local http server
If you want to use the entire site with its subprojects, you have to clone the git repository
You will also certainly need to set up a simple local server, all is explained in the README.md
Download the core site here.

What is the particularity of the projects you use?

They are all made entirely with web technologies and free/open source softwares.
This means that the work done will be the closest of our interests
Feel free to check out the source code hosted on GitHub

A big thank to this awesome open source projects

Laverna icon StackEdit logo Visual Studio Code iconMonaco Editor Brackets iconBramble (Brackets) SVG-edit logoSVG-edit ODT iconWebODF miniPaint iconminiPaint Method Draw logoMethod Draw draw.io logodraw.io (based on rssReader) jor1k DoppioJVM videoconverter.js audioconverter.js youtube-dl-web sql.js Tesseract.js Ocrad.js zip.js jsPDF PPTX2HTML docx2html JSCPP Wild Web Midi Photo Editor js-xlsx